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Robinson Crusoe: Avventure sull'Isola Maledetta Collector Edition

- Adventure
- Exploration
- Fighting
- Novel-based
- Action / Movement Programming
- Co-operative Play
- Dice Rolling
- Hex-and-Counter
- Narrative Choice / Paragraph
- Solo / Solitaire Game
- Tile Placement
- Variable Player Powers
- Worker Placement
- Books: Robinson Crusoe
- Components: Dice with Icons
- Crowdfunding: Gamefound
- Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island
- Solitaire Games
- Theme: Survival
- Theme: Tropical Islands
- Joanna Kijanka
- Ignacy Trzewiczek
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Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island – Collector's Edition
Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island – Collector's Edition
Robinson Crusoé: Aventures sur l'île Maudite - Edition Collector
Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island – Collector's Edition
Robinson Crusoe: Edycja Kolekcjonerska
Robinson Crusoe: Edición coleccionista