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EXIT-Квест: Исчезновение Шерлока Холмса
- Deduction
- Puzzle
- Real-time
- Co-operative Play
- Sherlock Holmes
- Escape Room Games
- EXIT: Das Spiel
- Inka Brand
- Markus Brand
Andre versioner:
EXIT: The Disappearance of Sherlock Holmes engelsk
EXIT - Das Verschwinden des Sherlock Holmes tysk
Exit : La Disparition de Sherlock Holmes fransk
Exit: La Desaparición de Sherlock Holmes spansk
EXIT: Le Jeu – La Disparition de Sherlock Holmes fransk
EXIT: The Game – The Disappearance of Sherlock Holmes portugisisk
Exit: La Scomparsa di Sherlock Holmes italiensk
EXIT 24: O Legado do Professor portugisisk