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The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying
- Fantasy (High Fantasy)
- Jason Durall
- Michele Garbuggio
- Francesco Nepitello
- Jacob Rodgers
- James Spahn
- Dan Algstrand
- Giuditta Betti
- Niklas Brandt
- Federica Costantini
- Antonio De Luca
- Christian Granath
- Martin Grip
- Francesco Nepitello
- Michele Paroli
- Jan Pospíšil
- Henrik Rosenborg
- Daniele Sorrentino
- Luca Sotgiu
- Melissa Spandri
- Alvaro Tapia
- Michele Garbuggio
- Tomas Härenstam
- John Marron
- Francesco Nepitello
- Jacob Rodgers
- Martin Takaichi